Zuidas 2E

ML_A participated in an open competition for lot 2E on the Zuidas business district, organized by the Municipality of Amsterdam. It concerns a corner plot of a U-shaped building block with housing, office space, a cinema and public functions. Team Space Encounters and Being Development won the tender. Architectenweb has published an article about the competition, with submissions from Beta, MVRDV, OZ, De Zwarte Hond, Nutrified Architecture and NL architects.

> Architectenweb (in Dutch)

© Surrend3r

Oostenburg 11CDE

ML_A and Dura Vermeer are selected by Stadgenoot to design and build the plots 11CDE on Oostenburg in Amsterdam. The project proposal includes 3 maisonettes, 26 apartments and over 500 m2 of commercial spaces, in three distinctly shaped and materialized buildings, around a collective court. The project is next to the Houtrak building on plot 11GH, designed in collaboration with Workshop Architects, which is currently under construction.

© ML

Main station Groningen

Following the 2022 study 'Main Station Central', collaborating offices ML_A and MX13 have been commissioned by the NS to develop a preliminary design for the revitalization of the Groningen Main Station [1891-1896] designed by Isaac Gosschalk. The assignment includes renovating the national monument, make it more sustainable and developing conditions for a new programmatic use. The connection to the station area and the connection to the new extension by Koen van Velsen will be included in the development. The office of Braaksma & Roos is involved in the project as restoration architect.

© ML

Interview De Architect

Marcel Lok was interviewed by Reinoud Schaatsbergen of magazine De Architect. The conversation was about quality in housing and the role you have as an architect to monitor architectural quality. The interview can be read via the link below and in the December issue of the magazine.

> De Architect (in Dutch)

© Frans Hanswijk

Elzenhagen phase 2

The building permit has been granted for parkvilla 7 in Elzenhagen South in Amsterdam North. This second building designed by ML_A for Elzenhagen includes 14 family apartments with large verandas and roof terraces.

Villa 7, together with villas 6 and 14, is part of phase 2 of a total of 14 apartment buildings that are being designed in a team with Office Winhov, Bedaux de Brouwer and Korth Tielens commissioned by AM and Blauwhoed. Contractor Bot Bouw will start this autumn with the implementation of the three blocks in this second phase.

© Tim Stet

Formats for Living

The book Formats for Living features 59 contemporary residential projects built in Amsterdam between 2013 and 2023, with more than 250 detailed floor plans on a scale of 1:100 including Spaarndammerhart.

This exceptional large-format book, edited by Marc Reniers and Jan Loerakker and designed by Ricky Rijkenberg, contains a wide range of designs, from micro-lofts and innovative social housing to lavish apartments. Furthermore it includes a series of critical essays by authors Vincent Kompier, Fenna Haakma Wagenaar, Indira van 't Klooster and Paco Bunnik that places housing development in its societal dynamics.

The book can be ordered via Architectura & Natura or local bookstore.

ISBN 978-9461-400-71-0

Out of Office

During the summer, models of two ML_A projects in progress are shown at the Amsterdam Architecture Center (Arcam) – Parkvilla Elzenhagen in Amsterdam Noord and Houtrak in Oostenburg i.c.w. Workshop Architects. The Out of Office exhibition with 37 recently completed or under construction Amsterdam projects runs from 20 July to 10 September.

> Arcam

© Maarten Nauw

Wickevoort Estate

ML_A has been selected by AM for phase 3 field 2 of the Wickevoort Estate project in Cruquius in the Haarlemmermeer. Approximately seven hundred and fifty homes will be built on the estate from 2018 to 2027. ML_A has been selected to design approximately fifty ground-level owner-occupied homes around a communal courtyard.

The urban development and landscape design was drawn up by the VenhoevenCS in collaboration with Landlab. The main structure of the area development is based on the principle of the monumental estate designed by Hans Warnau in the early 1960s. Within the main structure, residential fields, so-called 'rooms', are created, each with its own character in appearance and layout. Studio Nauta and Olaf Gipser Architects have been selected for two other fields in phase 3.

Bosrijk in Yearbook Architecure in the Netherlands 2022/2023

Project Bostoren in Bosrijk Eindhoven is included in the Yearbook Architecture in the Netherlands 2022/2023. The 36th edition of the annual review of Dutch architecture is edited by Teun van den Ende, Arna Mačkić and Uri Gilad.

> nai010

© Max Hart Nibbrig

Book Spaarndammerhart

The Architecture Observer published the book Spaarndammerhart - A Story of the City, edited by Hans Ibelings and designed by Haller Brun. With photography by Max Hart Nibbrig, Dennis De Smet and Raimond Wouda, texts by Fred Feddes, Hans Ibelings, Hannah Schubert and Vincent Kompier, and illustrated with detailed drawings of the project.

The book is available in both Dutch and English and can be ordered via Architectura & Natura or local bookstore.

ISBN 978-94-92058-17-1 (English) 

Nomination ArchDaily Buidling of the Year 2023

Spaarndammerhart is nominated (longlist) for the ArchDaily Building of the Year Awards in the Housing category. 

> ArchDaily

Oostenburg 11GH building permit granted

The building permit has been granted for the Houtrak project at Oostenburg 11GH in Amsterdam. Implementation of the project with 36 apartments is scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2023. Houtrak is designed in collaboration with Workshop Architects for Vorm Development.

© Tim Stet

Arie Keppler Prize 2022

Spaarndammerhart wins the Arie Keppler Prize 2022 in the category 'Living together'.

“Spaardammerhart is truly in the spirit of Arie Keppler: public housing, where beauty and accessibility go hand in hand for all income groups. Out of 80 homes, 26 are in the social rental sector.”

Thanks to Mooi Noord-Holland and members of the jury: Irmgard van Koningsbruggen (chairman), Jef Mühren, Laura de Bonth, Marjolein van Eig and Bart van der Vossen.

> Arie Keppler Prize 2022 (in dutch)

Elzenhagen phase 1

The implementation of Urban Villas will start this week, a project of a total of 14 residential buildings in Elzenhagen South, Amsterdam North.

This phase includes the first four park villas with 173 rental apartments and an underground parking garage, designed by Office Winhov, Bedaux de Brouwer, KorthTielens and ML_A. The client is a joint venture of AM and Blauwhoed, the main contractor is Bot Bouw. The buildings will be located in a park-like landscape designed by Buro Sant en Co landscape architecture.

© Filippo Bolognese Images

Main Station Groningen

Over the past year, Marcel Lok (ML_A) and Marnix van der Scheer (MX13) have been working on a research of the monumental Main Station of Groningen, designed by Isaac Gosschalk and built from 1882 to 1896. The new extension on the station's south side by Koen van Velsen architects is the reason to make the Main Station more sustainable and to rearrange it programmatically.

Together with TAK architects, we carefully analyzed the building and put forward ideas for new interpretations – a boutique hotel, flexible workspaces, an outpost of Groningenstore, restaurant, catering, shops, all with a 'local colour'. In our vision, the station square will be a largely car-free residential square, with a pond, lots of greenery, Het Peerd and a 'stray boulder' as the 4th wing of the Groninger Museum.

The design research was commissioned by NS Stations in a team with TAK architects, Valstar Simonis, Peutz, Peter Michiel Schaap, Wilbert van der Kamp and Peter de Kan. Thanks to Koen van Velsen architects.

Winner Amsterdamse Nieuwbouwprijs 2022

Spaarndammerhart wins the Amsterdamse Nieuwbouwprijs 2022, the annual public award for new building projects in Amsterdam. An honourable recognition for all people involved, developers, designers, builders, advisors and residents/owners for this 'urban repair project' in the Spaarndammerbuurt in Amsterdam.

The Amsterdamse Nieuwbouwprijs is a joint award by the City of Amsterdam, Bouwend Nederland, AT5 and Amsterdam Woont.

> Amsterdam Woont

Publication Baumeister

Spaarndammerhart is published in the May issue of the German architecture magazine Baumeister with the theme 'Stony'.

"Alte und Neue Wege."

> Baumeister

Nomination BNA Best Building of the Year 2022

Spaarndammerhart has been nominated for BNA Best Building of the Year 2022 in the category Liveability and Social Cohesion.

From the jury report: “As self-evident as Spaarndammerhart is in place, the jury sees that a major achievement has been delivered here in terms of urban planning. Up to and including the entrance to the parking garage, the project is beautifully integrated, giving a contemporary twist to the brick architecture of the Amsterdam School. Spaarndammerhart is a rich project that has been tackled consistently and well on all fronts, and shows how you can build a part of the city with affordable and more expensive housing that is accessible to everyone.”

The jury consists of Barbara Baarsma (chairman), Annemarie van Doorn, Gert Kwekkeboom, Maartje Luisman, Mohamed Baba, Ton Venhoeven and Kirsten Hannema (jury secretary).

> de Volkskrant

© Max Hart Nibbrig

Nomination Amsterdam Architecture Prize 2022

Spaarndammerhart has been nominated for the Amsterdam Architecture Prize (AAP) 2022. This prize initiated by the Amsterdam Architecture center (Arcam) is awarded annually to both the architect and the client. Of the nearly 125 projects completed in 2021, Arcam has nominated 10 projects that are not only of exceptional quality, but also reflect the key developments and construction trends in this year.

"With the implementation of Spaarndammerhart, a precise, but also spectacular urban repair has taken place, the jury states. The old street plan has been restored and the spacious publicly accessible courtyard is an enrichment for the neighborhood, also from an urban planning perspective. The private sector and owner-occupied housing seems to have been perfectly successful, reaching a broad population group. Wherever you look, everything seems to have been touched with attention and dedication. The collaboration between the client, the two architectural firms, the landscape designer and the artist is an (too) rarely seen contemporary Gesamtkunstwerk. Spaarndammerhart is also an ode to the Amsterdam School."

The expert jury consists of Caroline Bos (co-founder UN Studio, AM Bouwmeester), Saskia Bosnie (director of the Southeast City area organization and founder Sabo Advies) and Marc Reniers (architect and owner of M3H architects).

> Arcam expert jury report
> Arcam public jury report

Publication Bauwelt

Spaarndammerhart is published in issue 5 of the German architecture magazine Bauwelt.

"Hinter Mauern und Portalen."

> Bauwelt

Winner tender Oostenburg plot 11GH

ML_A and Workshop Architects have won the tender with project Houtrak, which was issued by Stadgenoot for plot 11GH in Amsterdam Oostenburg, located at the end of the Oostenburgervaart.

In a team with developer VORM, ML_A, Workshop Architects, Flux landscape architecture, CD20 and Buro Bouwfysica, an 'open building' is designed for two plots with a hybrid wood and concrete structure. The building parts, one at 11G with metal cassette cladding and the other at 11H with untreated, recycled wood, offer a flexible variety of apartments and workspaces. A wooden frame with massive wooden balconies forms an expressive front on the water.

> Oostenburg

© Rogier van den Brink

Architect member committee 2 Spatial Quality Commitee Amsterdam

From January 2022, Marcel Lok will be member of committee 2 of the Amsterdam Spatial Quality Committee. This committee advises on building plans in the 19th and 20th century district, the area between the Singelgracht and the A10 ring road, including major urban developments such as the Amstel quarter, the Bajes quarter and the Markethall site in Amsterdam-West.

© ML

Winner Abe Bonnema award 2021

Project Spaarndammerhart is winner of the Abe Bonnema architecture award 2021.

"Mike Korth, Gus Tielens & Marcel Lok deliver a performance of very exceptional, high architectural quality, which inspires future generations and sets an example."

The jury consists of Josja van der Veer (chairman), Kees Kaan, Jan Nauta, Ninke Happel, Petra Brouwer, Hedwig Saam & Marc A. Visser (secretary).

> Abe Bonnema award 2021

© Jan Kees Steenman

Winner Zuiderkerk Award 2021

Project Spaarndammerhart wins the Amsterdam Zuiderkerkprijs, an award for the best residential building of the year built in Amsterdam.

"This is dignified and high-quality urban living without profit maximization or minimizing housing dimensions. So it is still possible! In many ways this project sets the example for building homes that we need in the Netherlands."

The jury of the Zuiderkerkprijs is formed by an annually changing team of three experts in the field of architecture and urban development. This year's jury consists of: Michelle Provoost (Architectural historian at CRIMSON Historians and Urbanists, chairman), Volker Ulrich (Architect/partner at VURB Architects and winner of the Zuiderkerkprijs 2020) and Robbert Bovee (Program coordinator at Pakhuis de Zwijger).

> Zuiderkerkprijs 2021

© Dennis De Smet

The Detail

An image of a concrete house number for the Mussengang project in Groningen is included in the beautifully designed book The Detail by Marjolein van Eig, a collection of columns she wrote between 2014 and 2019 for the Dutch architectural journal de Architect.

> Vakmedianet

© ML

Nomination ARC21 Architecture Award

Spaarndammerhart has been nominated for the ARC21 Architecture Award.

The project Spaarndammerhart is a contender for this honorable award, besides Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen by MVRDV and the Amsterdam Courthouse by KAAN Architecten. The jury consists of Michiel Riedijk (Neutelings Riedijk architects, chairman), Nina Aalbers (Architectuur Maken), Setareh Noorani (Het Nieuwe Instituut), Philip Boswinkel (Local) and Marieke Giele (De Architect, secretary).

Nomination Abe Bonnema award 2021

Marcel Lok (ML_A) is together with Mike Korth & Gus Tielens (Korth Tielens) nominated for the Abe Bonnema architecture award 2021 with project Spaarndammerhart in Amsterdam.

Five architectural firms/teams have been nominated for this prestigous architecture award. From 55 buildings completed in the past two years, the jury has selected five entries of high quality and impact. The other nominees are: Floor Arons and Arnoud Gelauff (Arons & Gelauff Architects) with Pontsteiger in Amsterdam, Marita Bijlsma and Thomas Buijs (Atelier Front) with Gibbon Pavilion in Artis Amsterdam, Arjan van Ruyven (MMX architects) and Thomas Widdershoven with Studio Thonik in Amsterdam and Endry van Velzen (De Nijl Architects) with Nieuw Anklaar in Apeldoorn.

In assessing the entries, the jury also used the annual theme of 'impact' in addition to the general criteria from the regulations. The jury consists of Josja van der Veer (chairman), Kees Kaan, Jan Nauta, Hedwig Saam, Petra Brouwer, Ninke Happel en Marc A. Visser (secretary).

> Abe Bonnema award

© Tim Stet

Nomination Dutch Design Awards 2021

Spaarndammerhart is nominated for the Dutch Design Awards 2021 in the category Habitat.

"The fact that Korth Tielens and Marcel Lok continue to build upon the Amsterdam School typology with Spaarndammerhart, is testament to their courage and has led to the creation of an absolute beauty."

Jury consists of JaapJan Berg (chairman), Ellen van der Wal, Jan Nauta, Femke Bijlsma, Cees van der Veeken.

The project can be seen, in addition to the other nominated projects Marker Wadden and Serres Séparées, during the Dutch Design Week from 16 to 24 October in Eindhoven.

> Dutch Design Awards

Main Station Groningen

Marcel Lok (ML_A) and Marnix van der Scheer (MX13) are commissioned by NS Stations to conduct research into a new use for Groningen Main Station. This monumental station building, completed in 1896 and designed by Isaac Gosschalk, has become messed up in recent years in terms of use. Now that the extension of the central station on the south side by Koen van Velsen architects is under construction, it is time to think about the monument.

Together with Peter Michiel Schaap (GRAS) and Stefanie Weser (TAK architects) we will investigate a meaningful programmatic interpretation that will once again make the monument a leading, characteristic and image-defining place for the traveler and the people of Groningen. A place you like to go to, even when you're not traveling. An honorable task that we will be working on with great enthusiasm in the coming period.

© Peter de Kan

Publication De Architect

The Spaarndammerhart project was published in the June issue of architecture magazine De Architect under the theme 'The Customer is King?'. The project is also featured on the cover of this issue.

"A contemporary interpretation of the Amsterdam School. Housing where quality comes first. Korth Tielens Architects and Marcel Lok_Architect succeeded at the Spaarndammerhart in Amsterdam. The architects set an example for the housing production of the coming years."

> Vakmedianet
> de Architect

Cover image © Peter Cuypers

Spaarndammerhart in Yearbook Architecture in the Netherlands 2020/2021

Project Spaarndammerhart is included in the Yearbook Architecture in the Netherlands 2020/2021 and is also featured on the cover this year. Spaarndammerhart is a collaboration between Korth Tielens Architecten and Marcel Lok_Architect with artist Martijn Sandberg and DS landscape architects for client Heijmans. The editors of the yearbook, which has the subtitle "Home Stretch", consists of Teun van den Ende, Arna Mačkić and Kirsten Hannema and has selected 22 projects for this edition.

> nai010

© Max Hart Nibbrig

Review Spaarndammerhart in NRC

Architecture critic Bernard Hulsman wrote a favorable review for the Dutch newspaper NRC about the Spaarndammerhart project in Amsterdam.

"The old road to the new world - this residential complex approaches perfection. In the tradition of Berlage and the Amsterdam School, the Spaarndammerhart becomes a contemporary Gesamtkunstwerk in which perfection is closely approached."


© Max Hart Nibbrig

Podium Amersfoort

ML_A has been selected by Heijmans for a major housing project at Podium Amersfoort. Within an urban plan by Palmbout Urban Landscapes, we are working together with Heren 5, KorthTielens and DS landscape architects on approximately 250 town houses and apartments (in the social rental, medium-price rental and private owner-occupied sector), horeca, three collective courtyards and two parking garages. The Podium site is located next to the Collection Center of the Netherlands and between the A28 highway, the Vathorst ring road and the railway station of Amersfoort Vathorst.

> Palmbout

Music studio/guest house Nederhorst den Berg

ML_A has been commissioned to renovate and rebuild a monumental house and adjacent barn in Nederhorst den Berg. The barn will be converted into a music studio and guest house. The mansion will get a new entrance staircase and awning and will be modernized internally. A comprehensive (interior) assignment in which interior and exterior and old and new come together.

© ML

Elzenhagen South Amsterdam North

ML_A, together with Office Winhov, Bedaux de Brouwer and KorthTielens, is commisioned by AM to work on fourteen residential blocks in the Elzenhagen Zuidbuurt in the North of Amsterdam. This neighborhood is located on the west side of the Elzenhagensingel and it is connected to the Dijkpark. The urban plan is based on urban villas in a park-like environment in which no car traffic is allowed. The fourteen blocks will be designed and realized in several phases in the coming years. ML_A is responsible for the design of villas 1, 7 and 9.

> Wonen in Elzenhagen (only in Dutch)

Winner tender cluster 9 Bosrijk Eindhoven

ML_A, together with Studio Blad landscape architects and Buidling4you Developments, wins the tender for cluster 9 in Bosrijk Eindhoven with the Bostorens project. The design consists of five detached houses grouped around a collective courtyard, built entirely in wood and provided with large windows to enhance the sculptural nature of the ensemble.

Bosrijk is a residential location under development on the outskirts of Eindhoven on a former military site in Meerhoven, located in the middle of the Meerbos, Park Meerland and the Beatrix Canal. Sustainability, spatial quality and high-profile architecture are important principles. Living in Bosrijk is designed as 'sculptures in a sculpture garden'. Homes are fitted into the existing landscape. The space around the houses is in fact the garden of the residents of Bosrijk. Previously, the plans were selected through public tenders for realization. The municipality of Eindhoven had now launched a design tender for cluster 1 and cluster 9. For cluster 1, the winning plan is Het Bosbad, designed by Gaaga.

> de Architect

© Tim Stet

Young Promising Architects

Marcel Lok has been invited by the Flanders Architecture Institute, Het Nieuwe Instituut and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Brussels to participate in the Young Promising Architects program. With this initiative, the organizers want to bring young architects from Belgium and the Netherlands closer together by introducing them to and reflecting on each other's work.

During the two-day exchange program, special attention is paid to the work of the Flemish architect Léon Stynen [1899–1990]. His oeuvre is the inspiration for the overall theme: Repurposing post-war heritage in the city.

> Young Promising Architects

© VAi

Model Agency Arcam

ML_A has been selected with three projects for 'Model Agency Arcam', a models parade in alternating set-up on an eight-metre-long catwalk. 

Exhibited are the projects Docklands, BSH20F and Spaarndammerhart (in collaboration with Korth Tielens Architects), alongside models from other Amsterdam agencies. The exhibition is running in the months of July and August in the Amsterdam Architecture Center (Arcam) and shows an overview of Amsterdam projects that have been recently built or under development.

© ML

Prelude in M_HKA Antwerpen

The Museum of Contemporary Art in Antwerp (M_HKA) shows currently the exhibition 'Prelude: a weaving generation', a Wunderkammer with models and projects of a new generation of architects from the Netherlands and Flanders. ML_A is represented by projects Koninginneweg and Houthaven and a specially manufactured 'object of association'. Prelude was previously shown in DAM Frankfurt as part of Maatwerk / Massarbeit. Curators are Marius Grootveld & Jantje Engels. Prelude is organised by the Flemish Architecture Institute (VAi) and runs from 16.6 to 17.9 2018.

> Archined

© ML

Architect member Spatial Quality Committee Amsterdam

Marcel Lok has been appointed architect member of subcommittee 1 of the Spatial Quality Committee in Amsterdam. This committee assesses building plans in the historic city center in the area within the Singelgracht and the IJ. The position is for a term of three years, followed by an equal period as a replacement member.

The Spatial Quality Committee advises the municipality on the basis of the planning policy document 'De Schoonheid van Amsterdam' (The Beauty of Amsterdam) on the integral quality of the physical living environment: urban planning, public space, cultural history, wealth and monuments.


WISH Groningen

On Monday, October 30, the publication WISH is presented as closing of the event on urban living in Groningen. This book presents fourteen inspiring studies. The city of Groningen serves as a case. ML_A has designed for Groningen three split-level patio drive-in-houses that are presented in the book by using texts, models and drawings. In addition, the book contains projects from KorthTielens, Monadnock, Studio Donna van Milligen Bielke, Studio Nauta, Hans van der Heijden Architect, Urhahn, DAAD, De Zwarte Hond, Henckel&Zahir and Onix NL/Must among others and some reflective contributions on the theme of urban living.


© Tim Stet

Maatwerk / Massarbeit in DAM Frankfurt

ML_A has been selected to participate in the exhibition Maatwerk / Massarbeit - Architektur aus Flandern und den Niederlanden in the German Architecture Museum (DAM) in Frankfurt. This exhibition shows the precision and craftsmanship in the Flemish and Dutch architecture of the past thirty years. As part of this overview 'Prelude' provides a cross-section through the practice of a new generation of architects. Besides showing existing work in the form of images and models a select group of young architects is asked to produce an 'object of association' that defines the spirit of their design practice. The exhibition is part of the cultural program around the Book Fair in Frankfurt, where the Netherlands and Flanders are hosting countries and runs from 8.10.2016 untill 12.2.2017. This initiative is a cooperatian between DAM and the Flemish Architecture Institute (VAi).

> DAM Frankfurt
> VAi
> de Volkskrant

© Tim Stet

Docklands in Yearbook Architecure in the Netherlands 2016/2017

Project BSH Docklands is included in the 30th edition of the NAi010 Yearbook Architecture in the Netherlands 2016/2017. The book provides an annual overview of Dutch architecture for an international audience. Editors Kirsten Hannema, Robert-Jan de Kort and Lara Schrijver have selected remarkable projects that have been completed over the past year. They describe the main developments that affect Dutch architecture, with particular attention to the commissioning structure, architecture policy and projects which achieved great impact with limited resources.

In his essay Living Together, Robert-Jan de Kort further elaborates on Docklands and other projects in which collectivity is a theme. Furthermore a special contribution from Oliver Wainwright (architecture critic of The Guardian) about Dutch architecture as an export product.

> nai010

Winner competition Spaarndammer School site

Team Heijmans with ML_A, Korth Tielens, Martijn Sandberg, DS and Fore, supported by Tenderboost wins the tender for design and built on the site of the former Spaarndammer School in Amsterdam.

The team of developer Heijmans, Marcel Lok_Architect, Korth Tielens architects, artist Martijn Sandberg, DS landscape architects and Fore energy consultants is selected to develop, design and build approximately 74 houses on the site that once belonged to the Spaarndammer School. The core of the assignment is to restore the street profile, to provide public space for the neighbourhood, and to create a substantional number of houses of which a third as social housing. The architecture is a contemporary interpretation of the Amsterdam School, of which the surrounding monumental residential buildings achieve their recognition.

> de Architect

© Proloog

Manifestation Living in the Inner City Groningen

ML_A has been invited by the Municipality of Groningen to participate in the architectural manifestation 'Living in the Inner City'. At the initiative of city architect Jeroen de Willigen and developer Edwin Oostmeijer, a number of local and non-local architectural firms were asked to come with design proposals for inner-city housing typologies for specific locations, in order to enrich and promote living in the city centre.

In addition to ML_A, Korth Tielens, Hans van der Heijden, Donna van Milligen Bielke, DAAD, Studio Nauta, Monadnock, Henckel & Zahir, Onix, Urhahn, Klaas Smedema and De Zwarte Hond were selected for this manifestation. Vincent Kompier is involved in the event as a writer/critic.

© ML

Amsterdam Buiksloterham kavel 20

Last week, the Loft4you building group signed an option contract with the municipality of Amsterdam for the development and construction of plot 20F in Buiksloterham.

Building group Loft4you obtained one of the six plots after an extensive selection procedure. At the start in November 2015, more than sixty groups had registered. After drawing lots, an interview round and drawing up an Action Plan, the six teams that will now be developing and building their design concept have been selected.

> Architectenweb

© Tim Stet

Houthaven block 0 in Yearbook Architecture in the Netherlands 2015/2016

Project Houthaven block 0 is published in the nai010 Yearbook Architecture in the Netherlands 2015/2016. The yearbook is the international business card for Dutch architecture. The four members of the book’s editorial team consisting of Tom Avermaete (professor Methodes and Analyses, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft), Kirsten Hannema (architecture critic), Hans van der Heijden (architect) en Edwin Oostmeijer (building developer) selected 30 outstanding projects completed over the past year and describe the most important developments and trends that influence the production and design of Dutch architecture.

> nai010

© Luuk Kramer

Review Houthaven in de Volkskrant

Architecture critic/publicist Kirsten Hannema wrote a review of project Houthaven blok 0 for the Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant.

"Tight masonry and a rhythmic composition of windows: this care is little shown in housing practice."

> de Volkskrant (only in Dutch)

© Luuk Kramer

Amsterdam Houthaven 1c

ML_A has submitted a design proposal for plot 1c in the Amsterdam Houthaven. As an experiment, the municipality has chosen to award this plot to the team with a proposal with the lowest energy-performance coefficient as the sole criterion. Our design, with 7 ground-access town houses accessible via an open passage, ended with an epc of -0.57 unfortunately not as a winner.

Start of construction Buiksloterham

Contractor Vink Bouw has started the construction works of Docklands in Buiksloterham. The project contains 44 apartments and 13 workspaces, with great flexibility in layouts. Delivery is expected at the end of 2015.

© ML_A

Start of construction Houthaven blok 0

In Houthaven Amsterdam, contractor Vink Bouw has started the implementation of blok 0. The complex consists of two lots, each with its own elaboration in material. A total of 27 apartments and 5 ground-bound quay houses will be built. Blok 0 is the first project to be built in this new built neighbourhood in the western harbour area.

© Tim Stet

Winner tender Fred. Roeskestraat Zuidas

Marcel Lok_Architect (ML_A) and developer Building4you have been selected by the Zuidas Department for the development and realization of the former ROC plot on Fred. Roeskestraat. Approximately 128 housing units will be built on the plot, located between the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and the Geert Groote College, with a total of ​​19.800 m2 gross floor area (gfa). In addition, approximately 1.000 m2 gfa facilities and an underground parking facility will be realized.

Based on the given building envelope, a scupltural building mass has been designed consisting of two U-shaped blocks around a green courtyard to which the houses are accessed. Openings in the building mass make a connection between the more private collective courtyard and the openness of the adjacent street and quay of the Zuidelijk Amstelkanaal.

BNA New Harvest 2012

From October 13 to November 24, 2012, the exhibition BNA | New Harvest 2012 is on display in Arcam. With a large number of objects and models, twelve architectural firms show their vision on residential, living and working areas for the coming decades. The designs in this exhibition show existing and still useful typologies and new formats. The participating architects belong to the group that has become a member of the Bond van Nederlandse Architecten in the past two years. This so-called 'new league' consists of both young designers and experienced architects: NEXT architects, Studioninedots, marc prosman architects, Ulrich architecture, ML_A, VASD, denieuwegeneratie and Studio Scholten among others.

Prior to the opening of the BNA exhibition at ARCAM, which will be conducted by BNA chairman Willem Hein Schenk, there will be a discussion led by Thijs Asselbergs about the different schools of thought about how to close the gap between the housing ambitions from the Structural Vision 2040 and the practical solutions from this generation of architects. Alderman Maarten van Poelgeest explains the Amsterdam ambition, architect Ronald Hooft explains the proposed proposals in the exhibition and Han Michel discusses the field between these two perspectives.

BNA | New Harvest 2012 is designed by ML_A and organized in dialogue with Mike Korth (BNA) and Maaike Behm (Arcam).

© Jeroen Lok

Houthaven block 0 Amsterdam

ML_A and project developer Building4you have obtained an option on two building plots in block 0 in the Amsterdam Houthaven. In this first project within the new Houthaven district, we will develop and realize the southern corner block and adjacent plot. We have design proposals for both lots with approximately 30 apartments and town houses, an indoor parking garage and communal roof gardens.

Houthaven is located in the Western Harbour area, on the edge of the Spaarndammerbuurt. Approximately 1.700 homes and about 52.000 m2 of commercial space will be built in the area, on seven residential islands surrounded by the IJ.

Publication AWM#39

In AWM magazine #39 – february 2011 a short article by Michiel van Raaij is published about the project on the urban densification plan Carouge Bachet in Geneva.

"The Dutch architects Marcel Lok and Berry Beuving have drawn up an urban plan for the densification of a residential area in Geneva, Switzerland. Residents are encouraged by the plan to leave their car behind."

© Tim Stet

Winner sustainability tender Buiksloterham

Marcel Lok_Architect and Vink Bouw have won the Buiksloterham sustainability tender in Amsterdam with Docklands for one of the four available building plots.

“The appearance of the building is reminiscent of harbor architecture, as can be found in Amsterdam, Hamburg and Copenhagen. The combination of robust bricks and concrete with no-nonsense detailing provides a sturdy appearance. The integrated wind turbines in the facade and the high roof with trees give the whole a playful touch.”

Other winners are Patch 22 by Lemniskade/Tom Frantzen et al architecten, Keep It Simple by GTP and Tekton Architects and The Camel from the North by Heddes Vastgoed and Op Ten Noord Blijdestein architects and consultants.

> Architectenweb

Winner Europan 9 Genève

Marcel Lok and Berry Beuving have won the international europan 9 competition in Geneva. Based on the europan theme of sThe Sustainable City and New Public Spaces for the Pointe de la Jonction site an urban plan is designed in which an existing factory building Usine Kugler, where artists work and live, will be preserved and 400 houses, workspaces, a theater, a welness, a hotel and horeca will be added. An extra footbridge crossing the Rhone will connect the area to the north bank of the river.

From the jury report: "This project won the overwhelming approval of the jury as the most coherent and relevant answer to the dilemma of increasing the density of the Pointe de la Jonction while safeguarding and reinforcing its obvious natural qualities. Indeed, the authors of the project clearly understood the specifics of the site. Located at the far end of Geneva harbor, at the convergence point of two rivers and surrounded by cliffs, this part of the Geneva territory must all at once strengthen the city’s public role for the urban community and preserve a certain mystery of the existing 'rough-romantic surroundings'."

The jury consists of Carl Fingerhuth (chairman), Bjarke Ingels, Christophe Girot, Jean-Gilles Décosterd, Bruno Marchand, Rahel Marti, Françoise Fromonot, Angelus Eisinger, Jürg Capol, Dagmar Driebeek.

> Europan Europe

© Usine Kugler